The City of Crystal Lake and the Crystal Lake Chamber of Commerce implemented the Blue Star Banner Program to honor the local men and women in our community as well as City of Crystal Lake government employees actively serving in the U.S. Armed Forces, proudly displaying Blue Star banners along Heroes Row on Rt. 14.

Today, there are over

1.3 Million

active men and women in our armed forces.

Approximately 400 are
from Crystal Lake.

Blue Star Banner Program

In February 2017, the city of Crystal Lake and the Chamber of Commerce adopted the Blue Star Banner Program to honor active members of the military who are from Crystal Lake as well as city government employees who actively serve our nation. Personalized 6′ X 3′ banners are displayed along Heroes Row to underscore the patriotism that makes our nation great, and the important contributions made by the families of these individuals, all sacrificing together for the greater good of our nation.

History of the Blue Star Banner Program

4-Star Sponsors


Active-duty members of the military who are from Crystal Lake as well as active duty members who are City Government employees.

Nomination applications are available here, or on the City of Crystal Lake’s website at, or the Crystal Lake Chamber of Commerce website at Please email completed forms to or mail to the Crystal Lake Chamber of Commerce, ATTN: Blue Star Banner Program, 427 West Virginia Street, Crystal Lake, IL 60014.

All nominations are reviewed by the Blue Star Banner Committee which is made up of Veterans of the Armed Forces as well committee members who are parents of active-duty personnel.

Thanks to the generosity of our program sponsors, banners are provided for qualified nominees at no cost to them or their families.

Banners are hung for several months and then taken down to be replaced by others. Once the banners are taken down, a special presentation ceremony takes place to present the families with the banners along with a certification of appreciation.

The city has designated 26 light poles with banner arms for use by the Blue Star Banner Program. One is reserved for the Gold Star Banner which hangs all year.

Businesses are welcome to become sponsors of the program through donations. Sponsorship forms are available here, or on the city of, or the Crystal Lake Chamber of Commerce website at Please email completed forms to or mail to the Crystal Lake Chamber of Commerce, ATTN: Blue Star Banner Program, 427 West Virginia Street, Crystal Lake, IL 60014.

The City of Crystal Lake hangs the banners along a section of Rt. 14 known as Heroes Row.

The Blue Star Banner Committee, together with the city of Crystal Lake manage the program along with assistance from the Chamber of Commerce.


Donna McAnally Board President and
Military Mother of Two
Committee Chairperson
Danny Malone U.S. Army, Retired
VFW Service Officer
Board of Directors
George Soderberg U.S. Navy, Team RWB Board of Directors
Robert Teiken U.S. Air Force, Team RWB
Jim Kelley District 47 Administrator, Retired
Matt Randolph Air Force Veteran, Air Force Dad
Nick Grivas Military Dad of two
John Jacobsen U.S. Navy Veteran
Doug Myslenski Grandson BSB Recipient Grandson in ROTC
Dennis Fetch U.S. Navy Veteran